Orbis trading and technical center S.C provides genuine parts for the vehicles, machinery and network communication; it supplies genuine accessories. Our objective is to deliver the right quality at the right time and the right place.

To be the winner in this competition, satisfying the customer is no longer enough. To ensure outstanding customer satisfaction, we need to please our customers. So that is why we are the most customer centric company.
Our electronic parts catalogue system (EPC) has enabled our salesmen to identify part numbers easily and accurately. This computerized sales and inventory control system has helped increase productivity and efficiency of staff.

Recent trends show that the market in the motor industry is characterized by increasingly fierce competition in after sales. The value of the after sales market is increasing due to longer vehicle ownership and diversification of customer needs.
In this regard, technology has a big role in simplifying different processes, cost saving, promptness and accuracy which lead to higher customer satisfaction. We apply improved system (software and hardware) in the inventory control process, sales and warehouse activity.

Parts Sales

Our customers submit their orders in many ways – by mail, fax or telephone and in person at our sales counter. We
Most of the customer orders are addressed through our sales counter where parts stock status information can be easily retrieved from our computerized stock and sales system. We have a local areas network (LAN) with over 10 workstations for front line parts sales, data control supervision and data entry.

Contact Orbis's sparepart department

• Spare Part Section
Phone: 011 5507977
FAX: 011 51 24 21

Vehicle Parts


Machinery Parts
